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Product name Rooibos & Butcher’s Broom

Butcher’s Broom is small indigenous shrub native to Western Europe. Its name originates from the fact that butchers used to bundle its branches to sweep clean their chopping boards. It contains a variety of medicinal chemicals, including flavonoids and has a long history of use in herbal therapy. It is often used to treat symptoms of poor blood circulation like pain, heavy, swollen, or cramping legs and varicose veins. Butcher’s Broom is also helpful in the treatment and prevention of haemorrhoids. Both men and women can suffer from haemorrhoids, but the condition is more prevalent in women. It affects about half of the population of people over 50. It is also a common problem for pregnant and new mothers. The blood vessels in your pelvic area are put under additional strain because to the pressure of carrying a baby. What causes this condition?
  • Age: The vein valves that aid in controlling blood flow deteriorate with age.
  • Pregnancy: The body’s blood volume rises during pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time.
  • Pour boiling water in cup, add one bag of tea and let it steep for 2 – 5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2 – 5 minutes.
  • Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar
  • Can be enjoyed cold, especially on a hot summer’s day. However, ensure that you keep the tea in the fridge for no longer than 48 hours
  • Not recommended for children younger than 18 years
  • Not suitable for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers
  • Rooibos
  • Butcher’s Broom
  • May be used to treat poor blood flow. Helpful when legs are swollen, heavy and or painful.
  • Helps lower inflammation: Your body uses inflammation as a natural defence mechanism against infection and a means of self-healing. Chronic inflammation develops when acute inflammatory mechanisms fail to heal tissue damage. It can cause a variety of illnesses, including cancer, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and atherosclerosis.
  • Helps improve varicose veins
  • Helps protect arteries
  • Helps lower hemorrhoid’s risk
  • Diuretic to boost urine production
  • People with:

    • Haemorrhoids
    • Chronic inflammation
    • Varicose veins
    • Poor blood circulation
  1. Contains natural herbs
  2. Affordable
  3. Easy and convenient
  4. Tastes great
  • Superfood White
  • Superfood Green
  • Superfood Red
  • Resque Circulation