Combination Skin
What is combination skin?
As the name implies, a combination skin type can be part dry, part oily or part normal in some areas. Like the T-zone (chin, forehead and nose). The most common combination skins are dry with a normal T-zone, or normal with an oily T-zone. Usually the T-zone suffers from large pores, shininess and blackheads.
Typically a combination skin has a different T-zone to the rest of the face. It is a tricky skin type to treat as both areas need a different routine. They may need different products, although this is easy to over-come with the Annique Hydrafine range with its unique combination of active ingredients including Green Rooibos.
Several factors contribute to the development of combination skin, but sometimes its genetics. When it comes to this skin type, the causes and combinations vary from person to person. The areas around the face contain the most active sebaceous or oil glands. So these areas are prone to developing combination skin type.